Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Vindictive "liberal" Government

We the people, having had two hundred and thirty three years of freedom enjoyed by a republic of the people, for the people and by the people now have forfeited our liberties to a vindictive democratic left wing party, who believe that they know better than the masses how we should live. They take our hard earned dollars by taxation by ineffective representation, and attempt to control our personal beliefs, fortunes, health care and very lives.

The Founding Fathers concept of a small Federal Government, being subservient to the people is quickly becoming a concept of the past. Power and federal control of individual convictions, freedoms of choice, and decent; have replaced the idea of a self governing people, endowed by their creator to choose their own destinies.

The people, their God or their principles now are quickly becoming subservient to a government that lusts to replace the ladder; with themselves.

Who dares to challenge this tyrannical government order, of politically correct thought?
The very concept of nationalism, right and wrong, and even God himself, have been replaced by the concept of a controlling new world government order, in which no mass of people, or individual is allowed to threaten this control.

Wake up America; you are the last great hope for the world!

I can only surmise; if you continue to sleep in our God given responsibility to be a light to the world in hope and security for others, we will be extinguished.

If we continue on this path in the world, and do nothing globally in stopping the third world nuclear weapons buildup (the ultimate in global warming) may occur; and I suspect that God himself, may be forced to intervene for the end of time as we know it.

Faultline USA: The Return of Slavery to America!

Faultline USA: The Return of Slavery to America!